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West Ham United to sell Katy Perry Lingerie


West Ham United to sell Katy Perry Lingerie

[digg=]A couple of weeks ago at the MTV Europe Music awards, rockstar Katy Perry turned the West Ham United Umbro 2009/10 home kit into ultrasexy basque outfit to catch the eye of boyfriend Russell Brand.

Now to cash in on the buzz created by Perry’s Hammers attire, West ham United FC is launching a “limited run” of the now popular getup. According to the West Ham website, the designer of Katy Perry’s sexy kit Siobhan Dillon will produce an initial run of 50 Katy Perry West Ham lingerie kits to be sold through the club stores at a cost of £300 (or $505 USD) each and available by pre-order only.

Regarding the kit, Dillon told West Ham:

I thought it would be cool to try and make the shirt as football-oriented as possible.

So, I used the collars along the top of the brassiere and used the two badges on the front.

I had a team of three girls working with me on the outfit. It was made entirely from the three shirts, but we had to take the Airtex out and replace it with some lining.

Now you boys know what to get your ladies for Christmas.

Like the look of babes in footie gear? Then check  out our Babes section for more soccer-related eye candy.

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