Following the recent releases of the Czech Republic PUMA EURO 2012 home and away kits (available at World Soccer Shop), the PUMA has released video of the official launch of the team’s new playing collection being launched at Charles Bridge in Prague.
Here is the full press release from PUMA:
Prague, 27th February 2012 – Charles Bridge in Prague was the venue for presentation of the new Puma collection for the Czech national football team. Brand new clothes were presented by live statues, in whose ranks also appeared Václav PilaÅ™ and TomáÅ¡ Pekhart.
An unconventional event arose the interest of passers-by who could see more statues on the Charles Bridge than usual. The additional statues were dressed in the Czech Republic national football team training kit, goalkeeper jersey and down jacket. The EURO 2012 home and away kits could be seen on two players from the national team who acted as live statues while presenting them. The visitors of one of the symbols of the Czech Republic were thus surprised even more.
The new Puma collection will offer the Czech footballers all necessary comfort during matches, training sessions and free-time activities. The national team kit is decorated in traditional white or red colors. The training kit offers red, blue and white version with black sports trousers or shorts. The authors have also taken into account the rainy days in which the footballers will be protected by waterproof jackets. Training in hot weather will ease sleeveless shirts. For leisure time, the players can choose to wear a collar T-shirt and the popular baseball caps.
The players have already tested the red home kit successfully in their play-off match against Montenegro in Prague. The team’s manager Vladimir Smicer hopes the new collection will bring success to our players. “I have participated in the process of designing this new collection and I believe that our players will like it. I hope it brings them luck in the following matches and more importantly at the Euro 2012,” said the former footballer and member of the national team.
Puma has prepared this collection alongside the FAÄŒR management. The result is a traditional design with modern elements while using materials that meet the highest standards. “I am pleased that the new kits and team-wear will be used by footballers at the European Football Championship. I hope they will enter into the sporting history of the Czech Republic with a good result while wearing them, “noted marketing manager of Puma Jan KryÅ¡pín.