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Tinchy Stryder Umbro Mario Balotelli “Why Always Me” Tee


Tinchy Stryder Umbro Mario Balotelli “Why Always Me” Tee

Rapper Tinchy Stryder has designed a new Umbro T-shirt inspired by mercurial Manchester City and Italy striker Mario Balotelli — the Why Always Me tee.

Tinchy Stryder Umbro Mario Balotelli

According to Umbro: We’ve worked with the Ruff Sqwad’s main man to create this fantastic tee shirt, and it’s even impressed the man behind the original Why Always Me — Mario Balotelli!

Tinchy Stryder Umbro Mario Balotelli

The idea came about after Tinchy and Ruff Sqwad wrote a song for their new EP called ‘Why Always Me?’ — even though Tinchy is a Manchester United fan! He got in touch with us about our Why Always Me tee, and from there we’ve created this new incarnation, which features elements of Tinchy’s own life and some nods to Manchester City’s Italian striker.

Tinchy Stryder Umbro Mario Balotelli

Working with Tinchy Stryder and Jada Styles, the Umbro Tee Shop is the only place you can get hold of this fantastic new tee shirt — head over there now to see it in more detail. All of Umbro’s profits from this tee will be donated to a charity of Mr. Balotelli’s choosing.

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