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Panama 2021/22 New Balance Kits

2020/21 Kits

Panama 2021/22 New Balance Kits

New Balance has released the Panama 2021/22 home and away kits ahead of the Central American team’s FIFA World Cup 2022 qualifier against Barbados on Thursday.

Panama 2021 2022 New Balance Soccer Jersey, Shirt, Football Kit, Camiseta de Futbol

The jerseys are in the usual home red and away white of Los Canaleros (The Canal Men). The primary shirt has a series of embossed diagonal stripes on over half of its front. The alternate features blue rays emanating from the Federación Panameña de Fútbol crest.

Panama 2021 2022 New Balance Soccer Jersey, Shirt, Football Kit, Camiseta de Futbol

The kits rear necklines have openings with dark blue inserts onto which “PANAMA” is printed in gold.

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Panama 2021 2022 New Balance Soccer Jersey, Shirt, Football Kit, Camiseta de Futbol

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